In linguistics,
traditional grammar is the collection of prescriptive rules and concepts about
the structure of language that is commonly taught in schools. It is prescriptive
because it focuses on the distinction between what some people do with language
and what they ought to do with it and the concepts treated in
traditional grammars include, subject, predicate, object, complement, noun,
adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, pronoun, etc.
The functional grammar is
concerned with the way that the different kinds of meaning that contribute to
grammatical structure are comprehensively addressed. It is concerned with
resources for:
- analysing experience - what is going on
- analysing interaction - who is communicating with whom
- analysing the ways in which messages are constructed
In addition it is concerned with recourses for
combining clauses into clause complexes (sentences)
about the differences between traditional grammar and functional grammar, the traditional
grammar is correct "textbook" grammar but functional grammar is
colloquial grammar, grammar that people use in regular conversation. For
instance, people tend to say "Who are you going with?" even though
that is incorrect and the correct form would be "With whom are you
going?" (Prepositions should always precede their objects, and
"who" should be in the objective case "whom").
grammar mainly focuses on the role and meaning of individual words and functional
grammar is more concerned with units of meaning and typically groups words into
units of contextual meaning. The functional grammar is particularly useful for
teaching language and literacy skills due to the focus on meaning.
From those information’s above, we can conclude that
traditional grammar is particularly
useful for explaining layers of language at the sentence level and below, e.g.
sentences, clauses, phrases, words, prefixes, suffixes and word-formation. Traditional
grammar is not a unified theory or model of language - its terms and categories
can be used in all kinds of ways, including descriptively (describing what people
say), analytically
(assigning categories and functions to language elements) or prescriptively
(telling people what is correct, sometimes arbitrarily). Whereas, functional
grammar is particularly
helpful for explaining how language is selected and organised in particular
ways for particular socio-cultural purposes. Important variables for describing
such different usages are field (information), tenor (formality) and mode
(spoken/written). In classroom contexts, functional grammar has been associated
with genres,
which are predictable, identifiable ways of using language. Other systemic
functional grammar terms which people might have heard include circumstance, participant
and process.
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